Hello, I have 5 OpenVidu Instances on AWS working fine with the 2.12 version, but some times, maybe one time for week, one of them crash and turn down all the connections, I don’t know why, so I read the 2.14 version could solve a few crashing problems, I decide to upgrade to 2.14 version… bad idea.
Even when in 2.12 I have that problem one time peer week (and it isn’t every week, only 3 times in two months, in different instances) my servers works fine.
Today is the first day I use the 2.14 and the server kick the publishers all the time, I make a few test yesterday but you know, Only one guy can’t test a video system like +20000 users at the same time. So in my test the server works fine, but in the real life, with 500 users at the same time in one AWS instance, the server has a lot of problems.
I can not keep doing test with a production server, so I can’t send logs and other kind of things, also change from 2.12 to 2.14 and go back to 2.12 isn’t a easy task, becasue I need to change ports and browser library versions, but it’s good to help other user and if you are working fine with the 2.12 and don’t have a way to fully test the 2.14, don’t upgrade.