Probleming AWS deploy 2.14.0

Good afternoon,
we are using AWS Cloud Formartion as a server for our Openvidu PRO project, but we are experiencing many problems, which I will describe below:

1 - We tried to update to version 2.14.0, it shows roolback in all attempts.

2 - The template provided does not support more powerful instances, we want to use the instance C5.9xlarge for the openvidu Server and M5.xlarge for the Media Node.

3 - Some sessions are not ended, even without any user connected.

We are using the project to transmit classes, we have a lot of scale, I believe that at the peak we will have hundreds of active sections simultaneously, each session has an average of 30 users with only 1 publisher, the rest are subscribers.

We are using OPENVIDU CALL as the basis for the project, but we need to modify it to suit our business model.

This project is aimed at students from the public education system in Brazil, at the moment I have my classes paralyzed. below follows my aws configuration:

Parameters AWS

AwsInstanceTypeKMS | m5.xlarge
AwsInstanceTypeOV | c5.2xlarge
FreeHTTPAccesToRecordingVideos | true
KeyName | ConecttvStream
KibanaPassword | ****
KibanaUser | kibanaadmin
LetsEncryptEmail | developer@tecXXXXXX
MediaNodesStartNumber | 2
MyDomainName |
OpenViduLicense | ****
OpenViduRecordingTimeOut | 120
OpenViduSecret | ****
OpenViduSubnet | subnet-6XXXXXXX
OpenViduVPC | vpc-0e7XXXXX
OpenViduWebhook | false
OpenViduWebhookEndpoint |
OpenViduWebhookHeaders | -
OpenviduCDREnable | false
OpenviduClusterLoadStrategy | streams
OpenviduRecordingNotification | publisher_moderator
OpenviduStreamsVideoMaxRecvBandwidth | 1000
OpenviduStreamsVideoMaxSendBandwidth | 1000
OpenviduStreamsVideoMinRecvBandwidth | 300
OpenviduStreamsVideoMinSendBandwidth | 300
OwnCertCRT | - |
OwnCertKEY | - |
PublicElasticIP | xx.xx.xx.xx
WhichCert | letsencrypt

Hello @Rodrigo_Alcantara,

Let’s see first what happen with failed deployments and then we will see how to use more powerful machines.

First, review if you have a default VPC in the region you try to deploy OpenVidu:

If you have one, can you follow the steps described here to see why the deployment is failing?

Thanks for the speed in the response,

We already have a default VPC, we did the operation ignoring the rollback, however, we are not being able to access via SSH to forward the log, we are using PUTTY, it requests login, but we were unable to access.

Can you see the EC2 instance in AWS console? Do you select ssh keys when creating the machine?

I you are not able to connect using Putty, maybe you can connect using EC2 Instance Connect (browser-based SSH connection):

Just use “ubuntu” instead of " root" in the “user name”.


We send the log by email as requested.


Hello Rodrigo, I have a similiar situation here in Chile and I build my app with the openvidu node.js example, so if you still needing help, I can help you.

Personally I have a bad experience with 2.14, so I roll back to 2.12, but my app works in 2.14 too.