Unable to deploy on AWS with v2.12

I am unable to deploy on AWS using v2.12, but v2.11 works. I am following the instructions here…


It works if I use this template… https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aws.openvidu.io/CF-OpenVidu-2.11.0.yaml

But not if I use CF-OpenVidu-2.12.0.yaml or CF-OpenVidu-latest.yaml. If I use either of those I get WaitCondition CREATE_FAILED Failed to receive 1 resource signal(s) within the specified duration.

I am using all the same parameters for both versions.

Is there an issue with that template or do I need to do something different?


We are updating the documentation and installation procedures of the new 2.12 version.

Please wait until new version is announced in web page and medium blog.

@micael.gallego when can we expect the v2.12 cloud formation template to update the stack

You can deploy the new 2.12 version on AWS following these instructions:


We have updated deployment instructions to 2.12 version.

Best regards

Does the same thing will be applicable for the Pro version as we are currently using Pro version

Sure, OpenVidu Pro 2.12.0 is also available: https://openvidu.io/docs/openvidu-pro/deployment/aws/