V2.14 and ports

It seems that we can use custom ports with the 2.14 version.
How to proceed please? I didn’t found the property in the .env file

Hi @icap84,

If you have upgraded to version 2.14.0 from version 2.13.0 In the output of the update script is specified what to do with the .env file as you can see here:

Openvidu successfully upgraded to version VERSION

1. A new file 'docker-compose.yml' has been created with the new OpenVidu VERSION services.

2. The previous file '.env' remains intact, but a new file '.env-VERSION' has been created.
Transfer any configuration you wish to keep in the upgraded version from '.env' to '.env-VERSION'.
When you are OK with it, rename and leave as the only '.env' file of the folder the new '.env-VERSION'.

3. If you were using Openvidu Call application, it has been automatically updated in file 
'docker-compose.override.yml'. However, if you were using your own application, a file called
'docker-compose.override.yml-VERSION' has been created with the latest version of Openvidu Call.
If you don't plan to use it you can delete it.

4. Start new version of Openvidu
$ ./openvidu start

If you want to rollback, all the files from the previous installation have been copied to folder '.old-2.13.0'

For further information, check readme.md

You have to go to the .env-2.14.0 and fill in the same configuration from your old .env file. Once you have done this you should delete your old .env file and rename the .env-2.14.0 file to .env.

Once you do this you will see that the new .env file has a new section called Proxy configuration. This section explains how to change ports 80 and 443.
