Setting up local dev environment for >=2.13.0


My goal is to customize OpenVidu webcomponent (which I previously done successfully with 2.12.0).
Now with 2.14.0 I can’t figure out how to make frontend to talk to OpenVidu server. Could someone please point me to the relevant docs section?

I run docker as described here, it works, I can visit https://localhost:4443 and dashboard:

docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.14.0

then I run ng serve, it works as well, I can reach http://localhost:4200 and select my camera, nickname etc. But after clicking START, I get in error in console:

[HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /call from localhost:4200 to http://localhost:5000 (ECONNREFUSED)

I tried adjusting ports in different places: proxy.conf.json, environment.ts, as well as in above docker command, but always get various errors. It seems I just don’t understand what I’m doing anymore.

I’ve seen it, but it gives the impression, that it’s about deploying for production. Should I follow it instead of the development container for docker?

Sorry, I attached a wrong link. You must follow

That works indeed, thanks!

Somehow I missed, that we don’t use ov-settings.json anymore, so if webcomponent doesn’t receive external config object, you need the backend part running as well, to get the token.

I don’t know if that is a question or…

Anyway if you want to build the webcomponent just follow

I don’t know if that is a question or…

Sorry, I was just leaving a note for others, who might be googling the same question…
Thanks for your help, and for implementing this amazing project!

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