REST API: no answer from OpenVidu inside Docker Desktop

I’ve deployed OpenVidu image (openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.23.0) on Docker Desktop on Windows 11 according to the following guide:

Now, even though the console says

OpenVidu is ready!
OpenVidu Server URL: http://localhost:4443/
OpenVidu Dashboard: http://localhost:4443/dashboard

If I try to nagivate via browser (Firefox/Edge) to any of the URLs above I get no answer. I’ve tried sending requests with POSTMAN as well, e.g. GET https://localhost:4443/openvidu/api/sessions with the basic auth specified here, but I get a Error: connect ECONNREFUSED answer.

Please note I can successfully run the tutorial docker (docker/getting-started) and I can access its webpage http://localhost/tutorial/.

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: it turned out openvidu worked correctly if the docker was launched by command line. When launching from Docker Desktop I was not providing with the correct arguments (like the port openvidu should be binding to). Thus the problem is solved.


Also, I see in your description of the problem that OpenVidu is running on HTTP (no HTTPS), but you are trying to communicate with it using HTTPS!

The GET should be to http://localhost:4443/openvidu/api/sessions, not to https://localhost:4443/openvidu/api/sessions