I’ve deployed OpenVidu image (openvidu/openvidu-dev:2.23.0) on Docker Desktop on Windows 11 according to the following guide: https://docs.openvidu.io/en/stable/deployment/#openvidu-for-development.
Now, even though the console says
OpenVidu is ready!
OpenVidu Server URL: http://localhost:4443/
OpenVidu Dashboard: http://localhost:4443/dashboard
If I try to nagivate via browser (Firefox/Edge) to any of the URLs above I get no answer. I’ve tried sending requests with POSTMAN as well, e.g. GET https://localhost:4443/openvidu/api/sessions with the basic auth specified here https://docs.openvidu.io/en/stable/reference-docs/REST-API/, but I get a Error: connect ECONNREFUSED answer.
Please note I can successfully run the tutorial docker (docker/getting-started) and I can access its webpage http://localhost/tutorial/.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: it turned out openvidu worked correctly if the docker was launched by command line. When launching from Docker Desktop I was not providing with the correct arguments (like the port openvidu should be binding to). Thus the problem is solved.