I have deployed an OpenVidu with OpenVidu-call demo using the docker method successfully on an Ubuntu Server 20.04.
My current goal is to be able to deploy a OpenVidu-call demo app that I can compile using Angular and replace the OpenVidu-call app that is part of docker deployment. Of course the next step is to create my own replacement for the demo version.
Following instructions I did remove “docker-compose.override.yml” and restart openvidu with no problems. Following instructions from “https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/demos/openvidu-call/” I clone OpenVidu-call and successfully compiled the Openvidu-call-back and OpenVidu-call-front.
The next step was to start openvidu-call-front using “npx ng serve --open” which does indeed start a node process, but I have no idea how to test since I don’t have a browser on the Ubuntu Server and I could not access via the network… so I tried to use the setting configuration with “npx cross-env…” command which is very confusing, I am not very familiar to npx…
I finally decided to use the docker build commands which voila presented on a Chrome browser the first screen, where I can choose a room, via http on port 81, but attempting to go to the next screen results in a dark screen… and I am stuck
here is the docker processes:
42e64ac3d0da aurel:1.02 “docker-entrypoint.s…” About an hour ago Up About an hour>5000/tcp vigilant_gould
9fdc346ba83e kurento/kurento-media-server:6.14.0 “/entrypoint.sh” 2 days ago Up 2 days (healthy) openvidu_kms_1
6c32978161b9 openvidu/openvidu-proxy:3.0.0 “/bin/sh -c /usr/loc…” 2 days ago Up 2 days openvidu_nginx_1
08715710ca12 openvidu/openvidu-coturn:1.0.0 “/bin/sh -c /usr/loc…” 2 days ago Up 2 days openvidu_coturn_1
5e8178472370 openvidu/openvidu-redis:1.0.0 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 2 days ago Up 2 days openvidu_redis_1
12959358f263 openvidu/openvidu-server:2.15.0 “/bin/bash -c 'expor…” 2 days ago Up 2 days openvidu_openvidu-server_1
which as expected produce a full functioning docker container. I have stopped openvidu server in order to simplify the problem.
with openvidu server stopped, and from Firefox on the server I can connect to openvidu-call via http://localhost:81 and see the first page and navigate to the video/audio setup page correctly (2nd page)
attempting to use Chrome from a separate computer using http://myserver.com:81 brings the first page correctly by after choosing a room the join command displays a dark grey screen instead of the expected 2nd page.
I have disabled the ufw firewall.
In conclusion I am doing something wrong, that prevents openvidu-call to work the 1st two pages over the network… can you help me?
I recommend you to develop the OpenVidu Call application in your local machine and configure it to use the OpenVidu platform deployed in your ubuntu server.
Then, when your app is ready, you can deploy it in the server with OpenVidu.
Trying to develop your app in the server can be very time consuming process as you can not debug, you have to regenerate the container with every change, etc.
The problem I am having is that I can’t deploy, the vanilla version of Openvidu-call app that I cloned from GitHub, to my server.
In other words I am confused on how to do so, although I have followed the steps described in the documentation. There is some configuration step that I am missing or do not understand!
Modify the docker-compose.override.yml file by replacing openvidu/openvidu-call:2.15.0 with my tag myImage:1.0
Start openvidu with
sudo ./openvidu start
and voila everything works as expected.
I think you should place this set of instructions on the OpenVidu Docs as the starting point for deployment with docker. Of course a docker file will need to be generated for a new app to replace the prod.dockerfile, but this is the simpler way to point out what needs to be done for newbies like me.