Deploy OpenVidu based applications


I´m on Windows and for me it is impossible to follow your guide. Locally I use Docker for Windows. The OV plattform is running as described in the tutorial section. Currently, to perform some live tests, my app runs on Heroku and the plattform runs on AWS. That works. But when I finished developing I will require OV Pro and for the scaling I think it is better to use the default Call application and replace it with my own app, so I have the app and the plattform both on AWS. Is my thinking correct here?
At the moment I have neither the OV Call application nore an override.yml file. How can I replace the Call app with my app? And when I have achieved that, how can deploy it alongside the plattform on AWS?

Thanks in Advance.

The easiest way to deploy your OpenVidu based app is using docker and replace your docker app container by the OpenVidu Call container.

Everything is explained here,

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It´s not “everything” explained there! I´m not stupid. I was searching for the topic here in the support section and I found similar posts. But nowhere I found an understandable answer. Just pointing to the docs, that are obviously missing an important information for guys like me, that a not Docker experts, doesn´´t help anyone.

Chill. We’re here to help."that are obviously missing an important information for guys like me" That is not obvious. What kind of information do you think is missing in there?

If I only knew.

My headache starts with “removing the call app”, which I don´t have. I only have it, when I deploy the platform stack on AWS. So, do I maybe need the AWS Cli? Do I have to replace the call app remote on AWS? Or locally: do I need a Dockerfile? I´m completely lost. :frowning:

Hi @MartinW

Let’s recap a little bit to help you better:

  1. You’ve deployed OpenVidu Pro in AWS, that’s correct?
  2. You need to replace the call app in this OpenVidu Pro deployment with your app. Is this also correct?
  3. How did you deploy OpenVidu Pro? Did you use the CloudFormation template to do it?
