Openvidu On Premises (with docker)


I was trying succesfully the last server infrastructure (2.15) without any of the troubles that I found before in 2.14. Thanks for the new version!

I will try both ways to deploy my apps (front and back) against this dockerized ov-kurento server: with and without docker. I have an initial question: I have understood in my last years that docker-compose is better for development and swarm etc for production. This OpenVidu dockerization is tested in production? Is it safe to deploy like that in production mode?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Beka!

A lot of people is using it on production :). Actually, I think docker-compose is for development purposes because the idea of docker swarm is to provision containers in a cluster environment, and docker-compose only let you deploy in a single machine (so it’s better for development). But under the hood, the same containers will be running that if you use docker run.


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Thanks for the answer! So, it is used in production without problem. Time saved in doing healthchecks etc :slight_smile: I suppose that it’s better for scaling in production to follow your AWS deployment instructions, right?

Regards and thanks in advance for the answer,


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Yes AWS deployments are more easy to deploy :slight_smile:
