Samsung Web Browser 11.2 is not supported

Dear All,
I’ ve tested latest openvidu openvidu-call demo on the website and it looks like Samsung Web Browser 11.2 not supported.
What exact versions of Samsung Web Browser​ are supported ?


We just tested Samsung Web Browser ( with and it works

There are some demos not updated to latest version (they are in 2.13 version). But 2.14 version (OpenVidu Call demo) supports Samsung browser.

The is already 2.14.0 and I get.

Samsung Galaxy A30 and Galaxy A6+

Ok, we’re using a different smarphone.

Could you connect your smartphone to your PC and open the dev tools of your smartphone and execute platform in the console and send the info to us?

Looks like I get the same error as @rafal .

Thank you, we’ll fix it and it’ll included in the next release.



is there any update on when this is possible. We are facing similar issue with Samsung S10.

Are you using OpenVidu 2.15?

yes thats right we are on openvidu 2.15 and we faced issue with Samsung s 10 .

Tested with Samsung S10 (Android 9), Samsung Internet Browser 12.0.1

It’s working as expected.

What is your problem exactly?

It’s also working for me now with 2.15.0. But my Samsung Internet app has updated to version 12 so I can’t test with 11.2 anymore.

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