OPENVIDU-Server 2.14.0 Doesn't work properly following On premises Deployment

After following on permises deployment guide, openvidu test page doesn’t work. The same instruction used istalling openvidu 2.13.0 works well. Creating a session in test page it seems working well, but when I try to enter with another user it seems that user creates another session. After few seconds this error appears:


Please post a browser console screenshot to see the error you are having.

I’m sorry, I’ve followed this post OpenVidu-Call not working properly and now it works, I had exaclty the same error. The problem that I’ve now is that on samsung browsers openvidu doesn’t work. If I try the demo page it works on samsung browser, firefox and chrome, but if I try my solution, it works only on firefox and chrome, but not in samsung browser. Probably because I use openvidu-browser 2.12, today I’ll update openvidu-browser, I hope the problem is only that one.

Yes, Samsung Browser support is included in openvidu-browser 2.14.0. We also have fixed a bug that will be included in the following release.