I have configured OpenVidu Plugin( Angular_Library ) in my Linux cloud server.
I created httpd and copied Front-end UI for join session running on
80 port.(https://SERVER_IP/)
I installed Docker for back-end API running on 4443
Its working fine only in some laptops only. Not working in Mobile
browser and iOS devices.
I tried its working for me but its not working in some another laptops
and mobiles.
Issue: From my side my video preview coming properly but others preview
not coming to me. For others their preview coming properly but not mine.
Can any one tell what was the issue and let me know the exact issue
and as well as solution.
What guide are you using for your set up? How are you installed openvidu server?
I followed https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.14.0/tutorials/openvidu-library-angular/ and implemented in server. FrontendUI copied in httpd with ssl. Back-end installed by using docker.
– docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET -e DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP=SEREVR_IP openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.14.0
You can also test:
Its working fine for me I am able to see my video preview but not others.
Why are you deploying openvidu-server on this way in a production environment despite this warning? 
This is not production server. Its just for testing purpose.
If you deploy OpenVidu in an external linux server, it is better to deploy it using production setup.