Opevidu-vr is not working fine when deployed in public cloud

we tried to deploy openvidu VR in public cloud and student view is not able to see teacher video. But it works well both teacher view and student view connected locally using localhost:port.
Steps involved:
1: installed docker engine and docker compose and then
1.1 curl https: //s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aws.openvidu.io/install_openvidu_2.13.0.sh | bash

2 . Configuration

vi /opt/openvidu/.env

# add IP and admin PW



3 . Execution

cd /opt/openvidu/

./openvidu start

Available services

Consume OpenVidu REST API through https: //$your_host_IP/

If the application is enabled, it will also be available at https: //$your_host_IP/

You can open OpenVidu Dashboard to verify everything is working as expected at https: //$your_host_IP/dashboard/ with credentials:


pass: $admin_PW

configure https:
##http-server install

npm install -g http-server-ssl

## Virtual Classroom front-end setup

git clone https: //github.com/OpenVidu/openvidu-vr.git

cd openvidu-vr/openvidu-vr-room

vi app.js

modify line 163

var OPENVIDU_SERVER_URL = 'https://demos.openvidu.io' ; //backend IP

var OPENVIDU_SERVER_SECRET = 'MY_SECRET' ; //backend password

http-server-ssl -S &

Run Testing: https: //$your_host_IP:8080

2.13.0, Why?

Latest version is 2.17.0

Yes. tried with 2.17.0. also same issue

i also observed that it is working if i deployed and started using in the same VM it is working. remote connection is not working…