I am trying to understand open-vidu classroom demo from reference -> https://demos.openvidu.io/classroom/ but in my windows machine the video doesn’t load. No error is traced, it’s just not opening any videos. Screenshot attached.
Is there a professor publishing?
Can you share browser logs?
Do you have enabled permissions to your media devices?
Could you run into your browser console the following command and show us the result, please?
navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(a => console.log(a));
Of course there’s no video.
You have connected as a student. Students don’t publish video. Only teachers do. If you login as a teacher, you will publish video.
ofcourse, i tried connecting as a teacher first and that also doesn’t let me open the video… strangely it started to run on your demo site now but still doesn’t work on my local setup…here is the log…plz help!
As you can see on the screenshot’s provided, first logged in as a teacher(publisher role) then started streaming the video… But when i start in another incognito mode to login as student and access that video, it says “There’s no session fot this lesson”
Have you followed openvidu-classroom guide step by step?
yes absolutely followed these steps…i have setup openvidu classroom demo in Azure VM(Linux) using the steps mentioned above
In the capture you shows to use, the browser is trying to connect to localhost:4443 using websockets.
How have you deployed OpenVidu platform in Azure? Have you followed these steps?