Openvidu browser subscribe issue

Good morning, Team.
I 've been developing lesson website by using openvidu browser on frontend , node openvidu use for token generation on backend.
I have one some weired issue.
There’re teacher, student on my web.
teacher have video and audio permission so he publish their audio and video as default.
student can or can’t have in different session.
I will write issue case :

  • student participate in lesson and wait for teacher.
    teacher participate in lesson and publish audio and video.
    student can see teacher’s video and audio - this case is good.
  • at first, teacher participate in lesson and publish audio and video
    after that, student participate and subscribe stream, but he detects teacher’s stream, but he can’t see video and audio… there’s no console error, all’re okay.
    in this case, if teacher give permission to student, so student publish audio and video, after that he can see and listen teacher’s video.
    so as default student can’t see and hear voice and video of teacher if studnet participate beofre teacher.
    student’s publishing is audioSource: false, videoSource: false, publishAudio: false, publishVideo : false at first, and publish their stream as empay.
    teacher’s publishing is audioSource: undefined, videoSource: undefined, publishAudio: true, publishVideo : true at default, and publish their stream as empay.
    so student should participate before teacher,then he can see all, he can only see teachers who visited before that student.
    how to resolve this? @CSantosM @pabloFuente @micael.gallego
    Thanks a lot