Can't see video of other's

Hello gurus,

I just deployed openvidu 2.14.0 production docker images to one single public facing VM following this instruction -

Then I had two chrome clients joined in a session “test1”. However two chrome clients could see local video only, though messaging to each other still worked.

I also checked the logs by using openvidu logs while testing but found no errors at all.

Can anyone point me out why could be wrong? By the way, there is only port 80 and 443 are opened in the firewall. Could this be the reason?

Please advise.

Thank you



I think you need to open more ports

" Besides, the server needs some ports opened in the firewall:

  • 4443 TCP ( OpenVidu Server listens on port 4443 by default)
  • 3478 UDP and TCP ( COTURN listens on port 3478 by default)
  • 40000 - 65535 UDP and TCP (WebRTC will randomly exchange media through any of these ports. TCP might be used if client network blocks UDP connections)"
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