Cannot see other's video

When I do the following on a mac:
docker run -p 4443:4443 -e openvidu.publicurl= openvidu/basic-videoconference-demo
And use two computers to access, I am able to see the videos from both computers.

But when I do the following on a ubuntu (16.04) server with a public IP addrsss:
docker run -p 4443:4443 -e openvidu.publicurl= openvidu/basic-videoconference-demo
And use two computers to access, I am only able to see the local video on each computer. The remove video is blank.

Does the docker image support COTURN?

BTW, using the demo site:, I am also able to see the videos from both computers.

Thanks in Advance.

BTW, the following ports on Ubuntu servers are open: TCP: 3478, 4443, 40000-65535, UDP: 40000-65535

Hello jeffma,

Actually we do not support Docker for production environments nor demos. This docker image demo is intended for local development. In fact, coturn is the key problem we have to support docker in production. This next release will have docker and k8s support if you are interested :).

Best Regards,

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