Reported version of openvidu-recording image

  1. We are currently running OpenVidu Pro 2.22.0 in production.
    When I look at inspector/#/config, it shows
    OpenVidu Pro Version 2.22.0
    … but
    OpenVidu Docker container version 2.19.0

is this correct?
where does the version reported come from? I can’t spot it in .env or docker-compose.yml on the OpenVidu server.

  1. I updated one media node to 2.26.0
    On the media node, docker-compose.yml lists
    … but when I perform a recording,
    sudo docker ps
    … reports running openvidu-recording version 2.19.0
  • why is that?
  1. In older versions of OpenVidu the recording container version could not match the OpenVidu release version (we decided to match them in a later release). So the answer is yes, it is correct.

  2. You must update both the OpenVidu Master Node and the OpenVidu Media Node to see the upgrade in the recording container.