Openvidu start - Error downloading docker image openvidu/openvidu-recording:2.19.0


I’m using openvidu 2.22.0 and when I start openvidu the log show this message:
“io.openvidu.server.recording.service.RecordingManager - Error downloading docker image openvidu/openvidu-recording:2.19.0”.

This message didn’t show me in previous version.

Is it need to install something else?

thanks in advance.


Hello @lu15, is this in a development or in a production environment?.
The image openvidu/openvidu-recording:2.19.0 is necessary if you set OPENVIDU_RECORDING=true.


Hi. It’s a development enviroment but the developer team don’t have total control over this machine.
Is it possible to install the dockert image in another path and, by configuration, tell to openvidu this path.
Thank againt.

How are you running OpenVidu on that development machine?

If OpenVidu is asking for version 2.19.0 you just need to pull the image in the server, and after restarting OpenVidu it should work:

docker pull openvidu/openvidu-recording:2.19.0

Yes, OpenVidu is running on a develpomen machine and I kown de docker command. Unfortunatelly, by access issues that command fails. The team configurating this machine asked me if it possible install the docker image in other path. I think that no, but I had to ask.

Thanks for all Carlos.


It is weird what you are saying about “other path”. The docker image is managed by a docker daemon in the machine where docker is installed.

  • Is it a windows or a Linux machine?
  • Are you using the dev image (`openvidu/openvidu-dev:x.y.z)? Or are you installing usually by following deployment instructions?

It was a idea the team configuring the machine where is running openvidu sent to us. I had to ask about that. Don’t worry about that… That’s for all. Regards

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No problem. :+1:
