Were having some random problem seeing and hearing some people. I can’t put my finger on it. Can someone tell me what are the exact ports needed for an app to communicate with our OpenVidu VPS server? This is all I can think of.
For OpenVidu CE: On premises - OpenVidu Docs
For OpenVidu PRO: On premises - OpenVidu Docs
How do I know what version I have installed on my VPS? openvidu version gives me this:
Openvidu Information:
Installation Type: On Premises
Openvidu Version: 2.20.0
Openvidu Call Version: 2.20.0System Information:
Linux Version:
- Description: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Docker Version: 20.10.10
Docker Compose Version: 1.26.2Installation Information:
Installation Folder: /opt/openvidu
Installation Folder Tree:
Well, you know if you have an OpenVidu acount, are subscribed to OpenVidu Pro plan with a credit card, have a license key and are running an OpenVidu Pro cluster with it.
If not, then you are using OpenVidu CE.