Is there an API or feature to track time of video calls

We want to be able to track the time our users take on each video call but we don’t get start and stop events because of the way we have integrated OpenVidu. Is there an API or feature in OpenVidu that allows you to get a list of the active time spent in a video session? Thanks!

Yes, the start and stop events you are talking about are the way to go. “because of the way we have integrated OpenVidu”??? I don’t understand this. OpenVidu provides features for informing your backend when sessions, participants, streams and recordings are created and destroyed and whenever other events take place. If you cannot use it “because of the way you have integrated OpenVidu” (I don’t know which kind of way might that be), then you won’t be able to have it, will you?

In OpenVidu Pro those same events are automatically stored in Elasticsearch to be displayed in the History view of OpenVidu Inspector dashboard, if that’s of any use to you.