Add date and hour informations in recording

Is possible to add time informations in a video recording? This image is an example of this feature

Out of the box with OpenVidu, it is not. But you can process the video after the recording and put it on top with ffmpeg or something like that.

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Doing this in real time would be very inefficient. And be aware that post-processing the video files will also be CPU intensive, so make sure to do so in a separate server or when load is low in your OpenVidu nodes.

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You can use clockoverlay filter of kurento, works for me.

In server side when create a connection:

var connectionProperties = {
  kurentoOptions: {
      allowedFilters: ["GStreamerFilter"]

In client side, when initPublisher:

var publisher = OV.initPublisher('video-container', {
    filter: {
      type: "GStreamerFilter",
      options: {
            command: 'clockoverlay valignment=bottom halignment=center shaded-background=true font-desc="Sans, 14" time-format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"'