Where is my recording files or url?

This is my configration
“version”: “2.11.0”,
“openviduPublicurl”: “https://abc.com:4443/”,
“openviduCdr”: false,
“maxRecvBandwidth”: 1000,
“minRecvBandwidth”: 300,
“maxSendBandwidth”: 1000,
“minSendBandwidth”: 300,
“openviduRecording”: true,
“openviduRecordingVersion”: “2.9.0”,
“openviduRecordingPath”: “/PATH/TO/VIDEO/FILES/”,
“openviduRecordingPublicAccess”: true,
“openviduRecordingNotification”: “publisher_moderator”,
“openviduRecordingCustomLayout”: “/opt/openvidu/custom-layout/”,
“openviduRecordingAutostopTimeout”: 120,
“openviduWebhook”: false

whene i fire get Recoring i get something

“status”: “ready”,
“id”: “nis7oewow2mphbr0”,
“sessionId”: “nis7oewow2mphbr0”,
“createdAt”: 1581925430893,
“size”: 1190968,
“duration”: 9.214,
“url”: null,
“name”: “nis7oewow2mphbr0”,
“recordingLayout”: null,
“resolution”: null,
“outputMode”: “INDIVIDUAL”,
“customLayout”: null

how can i get this files ??
i m using docker in virtual box,

Hello @kaushik_lad

By default, the recording files are saved in /opt/openvidu/recordings unless you assign the specific path you want.

“openviduRecordingPath”: “/PATH/TO/VIDEO/FILES/”,

Please, read the openvidu-recording documentation