AWS recording inspector

Hi Guys,

I have 2.15.0 deployed to AWS, working fine and started to implement recording.
It’s ready on code level and server configs are also updated.

It seems the recording happens (if I connect through SSH, i can see the .mp4 file at path /recording,
however it cannot be seen in Inspector.
Configs are below.

On the other hand: what is the best way to stream this videos to users?
Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 6.16.02

Hi @Balint_Dorner, what do you want exactly. Expose videos after recording? Or stream videos while recording?

If your recordings have public access you can access them via:


You can also check all your recordings with:


@cruizba thanks for your answer! When I try to access recordings with the given url, it requests the login credentials, but does not accept what was given at deploy.

You need to use:
password: The openvidu Secret you’ve configured

Thanks, now I can access, however the /api/recordings response is: {“count”:0,“items”:}

Direct link for the record error message is: If you are seeing this message as a result of COMPOSED recording, the problem is most likely an issue with the recording URL.

If I access the EC2 instance through SSH, i can see the file is in the root/recordings/{id} folder.

It might be the problem the given path is ‘/recordings/’ instead of ‘/opt/openvidu/recordings’?

Try with /opt/openvidu/recording to see if this fix the issue

Thanks now it’s visible with /api/recordings.

Now have Composed error message: If you are seeing this message as a result of COMPOSED recording, the problem is most likely an issue with the recording URL.

But it seems straightforward how to resolve.

Really appreciate your help!

@cruizba just one more question.

Now the files are stored in the EC2 server on AWS, however S3 servers are storage services. Might you have any idea how to store directly in S3 server, or move automatically to S3?


S3 recording is a new feature we are working on. It will be available in OpenVidu PRO in the next version (2.16).


Nice, release date is scheduled yet?


We expect in 2/3 weeks

Sounds good! Thanks for all the effort!