When i was using 2.14 openvidu-kms docker image i could have set turn url why is it depricated?

I know this might be silly question but still.
While i was looking in the internet I found that the kurento media server requires a turn server to work.
I ran openvidu-kms 2.12 docker image and gave kms_turn_url.

I was told by a fellow member of OpenVidu Community that in 2.13 and 2.14 i can’t give kms_turn_url. as its deprecated. He also said that this image is only for development.

In production deployment i found that it installs coturn server.
Here are my questions:
Is this different then turn server?
Do i have to install it or can i use my existing turn server?

We want to provide OpenVidu as a self contained installation procedure. In such way, we can provide support to users and test the “supported” installation.

The turn server provided with OpenVidu is configured in such a way that every user has specific credentials that are sent to browsers in signaling.

If you want to provide your own turn server, you can fork the project and tweak thing to allow it, but it won’t be supported by development team as we has to be as much focused as possible to provide the best experience to users.


Thanks. @micael.gallego