Need specific port for KMS and TURN server as these many port cannot be allowed at enterprise firewall

Need specific port for KMS and TURN server as these many port cannot be allowed at enterprise firewall.

Port configuration in the server

  • Open these ports (in section Close ports to avoid external attacks you have an UFW sample to configure a firewall)
    • 22 TCP : to connect using SSH to admin OpenVidu.
    • 80 TCP : if you select Let’s Encrypt to generate an SSL certificate this port is used by the generation process.
    • 443 TCP : OpenVidu server and application are published by default in standard https port.
    • 3478 TCP+UDP : used by TURN server to resolve clients IPs.
    • 40000 - 57000 TCP+UDP : used by Kurento Media Server to establish media connections.
    • 57001 - 65535 TCP+UDP : used by TURN server to establish relayed media connections.

Hi Team

Please update on above query.

If you do not open required ports specified in documentation, the videoconference will require more computational resources and will have more latency.

Test opening, at least, the following ports:

  • 80 TCP : if you select Let’s Encrypt to generate an SSL certificate this port is used by the generation process.
  • 443 TCP : OpenVidu server and application are published by default in standard https port.
  • 3478 TCP+UDP : used by TURN server to resolve clients IPs.


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