Question on Config

I’m working on a new install of this server on Ubuntu 18.04 server
I have a working pfsense firewall installed using NAT with the following ports open:
4443 TCP** ( OpenVidu Server listens on port 4443 by default)
3478 UDP and TCP** ( COTURN listens on port 3478 by default)
40000 - 65535 UDP and TCP** (WebRTC will randomly exchange media through any of these ports. TCP might be used if client network blocks UDP connections)

The config document say s to
/etc/turnserver.conf external-ip=YOUR_MACHINE_PUBLIC_IP /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini externalAddress=YOUR_MACHINE_PUBLIC_I

Since this is behind the firewall should this be my internal IP 192.168.1.x


Are you deploying 2.13 version?

In that version, you don’t have to configure turn server by hand

it is now saying after testing the camera Error connecting to session 0
I have tried Firefox, Chrome, IE and Edge same issue

The camera works fine with Zoom


Can you show us the browser console when test fails?

Have you deployed OpenVidu Call? Is this app working fine?

It appears to be fully functional now, with some exceptions
Audio is lagging, you know say Hi and the other person does not hear it for about 5 sec or longer

and Question why do you not have have the ability to add users built into the application instead of having to goto the console

but was VERY easy to get going with the script

We do not experience audio lagging in our deployments. Can you give access to your installation to take a look? Maybe we can create a session in your application (you can communicate with us using email if you prefer).

What do you mean by “why do you not have have the ability to add users built into the application instead of having to goto the console”? What “console” are you referring to?

some of my co workers and supervisor asked me install BigBlueButton and am working on that now, but thank you very much for the offer an quick assistance

Perfect. BBB also uses Kurento under the hood.

will a internet connection of 50Meg down 10 up work ok with openVidu

OpenVidu uses the same WebRTC technology as other videoconference systems out there. If it works with Teams, Skype or Google Meet, it will work with OpenVidu.
