Turn server not found in config - kms logs

getting “turn server not found in config; remember that NAT traversal requires STUN or TURN” in kms logs.
deployed openvidu pro 2.15.0 on aws ec2 ubuntu 16.04.

empty stream in firewall network. testing in Firefox by enabling below flag.
about:config media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only: true

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There is no need to configure a TURN server for KMS. KMS is next to OpenVidu in the same machine for OpenVidu CE, and in the same network in OpenVidu Pro.

Turn/Stun is configured for browsers which could be behind NATs, it’s only required for browsers, but not for KMS.

Also: OpenVidu tokens has the required information for browsers to use the STUN/TURN server

But it’s not working for clients having firewall.

Did you test it in a real environment with real firewalls?

What happens if you do the same test using our demos deployment? Could you please test it?:

URL: demos.openvidu.io

it’s working fine in here - https://demos.openvidu.io/openvidu-call/#/distinct-green-raven

i even tried https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aws.openvidu.io/CF-OpenVidu-latest.yaml
(aws cloud formation) but doesn’t resolve my issue.

By default TURN server works on port 3478 which is normally not allowed in firewall. I my case, I am running TURN over port 80 and all clients even behind strict firewall are able to join.

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Hi @viswanath7, even if firefox is not able to force turn, it seems like there is no problem for users behind firewalls to connect using TURN if port 3478 is possible to use. I suggest you to test it in a real environment and if you’re having problems with turn connections, please report it here.

Anyways, we’re researching what’s the problem with Firefox forcing TURN connections with our OpenVidu CE deployment. It can be forced succesfully in OpenVidu Pro but not in CE. But we did not see any problem in CE environments regarding connection issues related with TURN on real connections. It looks like a problem with ICE candidates when Firefox is forcing TURN but we’re researching this issue.

What @lkpatel is saying is actually correct. The STUN/TURN port is hardcoded in the OpenVidu source code, and this is inconvenient for some use cases. It is in our roadmap to fix this issue and let people use port 80 which is normally the port available in restricted networks.


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@cruizba, It will be very good to make TURN server port configurable. Right now, I have modified the openvidu-browser js file to use port 80 instead of 3478.