Web component start recording

Hi all, i’m new to OpenVidu. i’m using we-component client side like this:

    style="height: 100%;"></openvidu-webcomponent>

and in my app.js that i import in my html i do this:

$.ready(async () => {

    var webComponent = document.querySelector('openvidu-webcomponent');

    webComponent.addEventListener('onSessionCreated', (event) => {

        var session = event.detail;

        session.on('connectionCreated', (e) => {
            console.log("connectionCreated", e);

        session.on('streamDestroyed', (e) => {
            console.log("streamDestroyed", e);

        session.on('streamCreated', (e) => {
            console.log("streamCreated", e);

        session.on('sessionDisconnected', (event) => {
            console.warn("sessionDisconnected event");
            webComponent.style.display = 'none';

        session.on('exception', (exception) => {


    webComponent.addEventListener('onToolbarMicrophoneButtonClicked', (event) => { 

        console.log("onToolbarMicrophoneButtonClicked click"); 

    webComponent.prejoin = true;


i want to trigger some event to start and stop recording but i don’t know how to. So i’m trying to implement a simple scenario with trying to trigger this:


but it doesn’t work…

Can someone tell me what could i do?