Web component - do not display 'Recording' button

Hi guys,

We’re using your server for some time for one-to-many video conferences, and currently implementing one on one video chat using your web component as js and as an angular module as well.
Recording is disabled in server configs.
The most recent version of javascript web component shows ‘recording’ button as disabled to end users.
Angular component seems like detecting that server doesn’t allow recording and doesn’t show the button.

Is that expected behaviour or we need to do anything on web component configuration?

We’d like not to show recording button to end users at all, because this feature isn’t planned for the first release

Your help is much appreciated


The “START/STOP recording” button will show only for the session creator if the recording is enabled on the Openvidu server.

You can show or hide this button with a input parameter like:

<openvidu-webcomponent toolbar-recording-button="false"></openvidu-webcomponent>

You can check the openvidu-webcomponent documentation here and here

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Thank you, Carlos, that helped!