How To Make Stop Recording

I am a university student and I have a graduation project. How can I make a stop recording? I can’t stop the recording for the second time at the same session. I don`t understand “”. I use sessionID for startRecording. But i cant do stopRecordng.


When you start a recording using the OpenVidu REST API it will return a Recording object that includes the recording id: REST API - OpenVidu Docs .

When you want to stop the recording you pass the recording id returned above to the REST API: REST API - OpenVidu Docs .


Hello Mihail,
I used node.js. I need different answer. I need to learning “”

If you use the openvidu-node-client API then it’s very easy, after you start the recording you will get the Recording object with the id in the Promise then function, you can see here: openvidu-node-client API - OpenVidu Docs .

I wrote to console “then” function but couldnt see id. I’ve tried what you say. I did not get positive results.

I wrote a small Node.js script (index.js) to help you out (replace the ... dots with your OpenVidu server address and secret):

var OpenViduNode = require('openvidu-node-client').OpenVidu;

const OPENVIDU_SERVER = '...';
const OPENVIDU_SECRET = '...';

var ovNode = new OpenViduNode(OPENVIDU_SERVER, OPENVIDU_SECRET);

var sessionId = 'test-rec';

ovNode.createSession({customSessionId: sessionId})
.then(session => {
    ovNode.startRecording(sessionId).then(recordingStarted => {
        console.log('recordingStarted:', recordingStarted);
        var recordingId =;
        ovNode.stopRecording(recordingId).then(recordingStopped => {
            console.log('recordingStopped:', recordingStopped);
            session.close().then(() => console.log('Session closed'));
        }).catch(err => {
    }).catch(err => {
 }).catch(err => {

Add a package.json file that includes the openvidu-node-client package:

    "name": "ov-node-test",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "main": "index.js",
    "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC",
    "dependencies": {
        "openvidu-node-client": "2.20.0"

Run npm i after adding the package.json file.

First connect a publisher to your server in the test-rec room, then run node index.js. You should get an output like this:

recordingStarted: Recording {
  size: 0,
  duration: 0,
  id: 'test-rec-1',
  sessionId: 'test-rec',
  createdAt: 1635339819957,
  url: null,
  status: 'started',
  properties: {
    name: 'test-rec-1',
    hasAudio: true,
    hasVideo: true,
    outputMode: 'COMPOSED',
    mediaNode: undefined,
    recordingLayout: 'BEST_FIT',
    resolution: '1280x720',
    frameRate: 25,
    shmSize: 536870912
recordingStopped: Recording {
  size: 5432,
  duration: 0.76,
  id: 'test-rec-1',
  sessionId: 'test-rec',
  createdAt: 1635339819957,
  url: 'https://.../openvidu/recordings/test-rec-1/test-rec-1.mp4',
  status: 'ready',
  properties: {
    name: 'test-rec-1',
    hasAudio: true,
    hasVideo: true,
    outputMode: 'COMPOSED',
    mediaNode: undefined,
    recordingLayout: 'BEST_FIT',
    resolution: '1280x720',
    frameRate: 25,
    shmSize: 536870912
Session closed
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