Upgrading to openvidu 2.12 and kms6.13 was giving bad results regarding to video quality for me. So, I kept in pre-production openvidu 2.11 and upgrade kurento-media-server from kms6.09 to kms6.11 in a openvidu deployment in ubuntu server. It works quite fine, but when I tested 12 participants-session (only audio) was giving some troubles: some players got grey, some people was listening everyone, some people was not listening some of the grey players ones. I was reproducing a test with same network conditions (for the users) than another previous ones with kms.6.09 in the same machine to make sure that this was not the problem, sometimes when someone is 4G-connected etc the player looks grey too, but until now was isolated and it was obvious the connectivity problem for an specific user. In this test this was happening to people connected via LAN (100 mb).
The same machine (4 cores, 6 GB RAM) was working perfectly with 10-participants session including video with default quality activated (the medium one). The only difference between both tests was the kms version (now upgraded to kms 6.11).
Any advice about how can I monitor better the kms performance? I want to upgrade at least to kms6.11 before going to production but thisbehavior is not good for production, so I am thinking to stay in kms6.09.
I don’t know, it seems a little bit strange. I will be grateful with any light.