Openvidu server problems

I am trying to setup a WebRTC compatible media server, and implement (basically) a web video conference server for my company (with some other features like conference recording).

I initially tried following the directions for setting up Kurento Media Server, and the “Kurento web conference tutorial” example (Node.JS) code, but even using the code without any changes, I always got error code 40401 (Ice candidates error) from the Node.JS server application.

NOTE: I can provide the entire KMS application server log if desired.

I heard several people recommend setting up an OpenVidu server instead, so I followed the “deployment” (install) instructions (at OpenVidu Docs).

I am still getting KMS errors (from OpenVidu) related to Ice candidates…

openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2021-04-20 22:32:46,794 [AbstractJsonRpcClientWebSocket-reqResEventExec-e2-t95] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipantEndpointConfig - KMS event [IceComponentStateChange]: → endpoint: con_T5XwOS3RIy_str_CAM_QwYk_con_Ksmb2PkDdQ (subscriber) | state: FAILED | componentId: 1 | streamId: 1 | timestamp: 1618957966793

NOTE: I can provide the complete OpenVidu log if desired.

Any ideas how I can resolve this???

You must deploy OpenVidu following the deployment instructions: OpenVidu Docs

Take a look to this page and to the Troubleshooting section at the end to check if your deployment is correct.

I did read the install instructions, and followed them (step by step).

NOTE: This was an “on premises” install. Perhaps those install instructions need to be reviewed.

The behavior that I am seeing is:
When the web browser client connects to the server, selects a “conference room” ID, and enters the “conference room” (after selecting their webcam and audio device)…
I can see the video of the local webcam,
but I can NOT see the video from ANY other client that has joined the conference
(I only see black/no video for all other clients).

  1. What ports do you have opened? Rememeber to not only open them with ufw, open it to the outside in your cloud provider (Security groups).
  2. Can you show the content of /opt/openvidu/.env (Without the password)?
  3. Can you execute and share the output of:
sudo su
cd /opt/openvidu
./openvidu version

NOTE: This was an “on premises” install. Perhaps those install instructions need to be reviewed.

We test them, I installed OpenVIdu following installation instructions multiple times, and it is used in our Cloudformation templates