Problems quality video upgrading version


I was updating one pre-production environment to openvidu-browser-2-12-0 (in a front-end based in openvidu-call), openvidu-node-client-2-12.0, openvidu-server-2.12.0 and kms6.13.0. The video quality was really worse in the same network conditions. My previous version was openvidu-browser-2.11.0, openvidu-node-client-2.11.0, openvidu-server-2.11.0 and kms6.9.0 and the video quality was really better. So, I think that something was wrong in the upgrade or…anyone was experimenting something similar? Is there some explanation?

Can you donwgrade KMS from 6.9.0 to 6.13.0 please? To see if it shows any difference.

From 6.9.0 to 6.13.0? So, with openvidu-browser-2.11.0, openvidu-node-client.2.11.0, openvidu-server-2.11-0 and kms6.9.0 is ok, with kms6.11.0 still ok, with kms 6.13.0 the first remote video looks grey directly (not video to see quality).

openvidu-browser-2-12-0, openvidu-node-client-2-12.0, openvidu-server-2.12.0 and kms6.13.0, the first remote video looks too much pixelated.

I will try tomorrow different combinations to decide which keep in pre-production and deployed in production.

It is very strange. We don’t see any issue in our environment.

Please can you record the screen when making these tests so we can see the differences between KMS versions?

Thank you for your time.

Of course. I can’t upload here the screencastings, so I am sending them to you by mail (
