Update from 2.15 to 2.16, react-native, no sound is received sometimes

Everything is running properly after the migration to 2.16, but the sound is not coming sometimes. It’s random and happens at least 20% of the time. The video is good though.

I see no error that could be causing this. The video is fine. Just the audio.

When I move back to openvidu 2.15, the issue is gone.

I have no idea what could be causing this issue.

This issue is more frequent in ios devices.

Can you share application logs to take a look? Please share logs in sessions with correct audio and session with no audio to compare.

React-native package updates dependencies between versions so new dependencies can have some unwanted effects like this one.


It was a mistake when migrating the java client. After we migrated the java client properly, it started working perfectly.
I am sorry I tried to delete the issue so that you wouldn’t have to reply, but I could not delete this issue.
Thanks for the reply anyway.