Not receiving 'streamCreated' events on react-native


I am encountering a very weird scenario, on react-native on latest SDK (openvidu-react-native-adapter-2.15.0.tgz): I don’t get any “streamCreated” events for users who connect/join using react-native app. However, I do receive “streamCreatead” events from users from webapp (which is using openvidu-browser). Also, I always receive “connectionCreated” events

PS: On older react-native SDK (2.14) I always receive “streamCreated” events as expected.
Currently on 2.14 I have some issues with sound - I am not able to send/receive any sound when joining from RN iOS (things are working first time when I initialize OpenVidu objects + stream, but nothing works after calling disconnect + starting to rejoin. On Android it works as expected) and I was hoping that updating the SDK will fix my issue. Any help is welcome.

PS2: Currently we are using openVidu only for sound, without video.

Thank you,

It seems this issue was happening because I was setting videoSource = null, instead of videoSource = undefined, when initializing publisher. We can close this issue, after I am setting videoSource = undefined and publishVideo = false, things are working as expecting.