There is no available Media Node where to initialize session '77WDL4XXXX'


We are using OpenVidu server 2.14.0. Things have been working fine for a few months till yesterday when no sessions were getting established at all. Here is the error we saw in the client (browser) side:

openvidu-browser-2.14.0.min.js:1 openvidu-server version: 2.14.0
openvidu-browser-2.14.0.min.js:1 ERROR:There is no available Media Node where to initialize session ‘77WDL4J011TZ0703’. Code: 204 in Request: method:joinRoom params:{“token”:“wss:// &token=tok_Db7fmy3xxxxxx&role=PUBLISHER&version=2.14.0&”,“session”:“77WDL4J01xxxxxx”,“platform”:“Chrome 83.0.4103.97 32-bit on Windows 10 64-bit”,“metadata”:"{“clientData”:“John C”}",“secret”:"",“recorder”:false} request:undefined
(anonymous) @ openvidu-browser-2.14.0.min.js:1
dispatchCallback @ openvidu-browser-2.14.0.min.js:1

This is really alarming, with almost no load (just dev and testing for now) we encountered this. We had to restart the VM to get over this issue.

Seems resources issues; though we have graceful session disconnect(). Moreover, sweep (house keeping) job is enabled/configured on OV server to remove stale connections to conserve resources, but apparently this feature is either not working or somewhere else the resource leak happening.

How should we handle such anomaly? What settings we can tweak further to make the OV server more robust?

Really appreciate your help here.

Thanks and regards,

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Hi @raoadnan,

It seems like OpenVidu Server has been disconnected from KMS for some reason. What day did you have this problem? It could be a network problem or a KMS crash. Please could you share OpenVidu logs and KMS logs?


Hello Carlos,

Thanks for your inputs. We will share the KMS logs, as no log file we could find from OV

  • Please suggest property/configuration that we should check to make sure that logs do get written to a file).
  • While we share the logs, meanwhile can you suggest what are some of the best practices that we should follow to avoid this in future.
  • How many parallel connections/load is know to have openvidu / KMS can support without issues?


What version are you using? If you’re using CE you can get OpenVidu and KMS logs just by executing

docker-compose logs openvidu-server
docker-compose logs kms

If you’re in PRO:
OpenVidu Pro Node logs

docker-compose logs openvidu-server

Media Node logs:

docker-compose logs kms

Hello, I have implemented version 2.13.0 on an ec2 of aws and I get it.
jsonrpcclient.js:102 ERROR:No
no available media node to initialize the ‘ses_LbwavuuPHg’ session. Code: 204 in Request: method:joinRoom params

Did this happenned after some time with OpenVidu Running without problems? Try to restart KMS, maybe it crashed