No Media Node available where to initalize and Unable to Log In into Kibana

Hello All,
Forgive me I am new. I am getting the following error: No Media Node Available code 204.
When I was deploying I selected 1 media node. I have attempted to start a media node in the inspector, but when I do click “new media node” it begins to spin then quits, nothing happens.
This is a new installation of 2.15 (9/07/2020)
AWS Ec2 c5large

Hi @Joyful, could you please provide me this information?:

  1. What guide did you follow to deploy and what parameters did you use to start OpenVidu?
  2. What region are you using?

Best Regards, Carlos

Hi@cruizba, thanks for your response.
I used the AWS –
I am using Oregon

Hi @Joyful, I tested a clean deployment in Oregon and it’s working without problems. Can you please send me what parameters are you using to deploy? You can email me at if you want to send me the secret and license.

There’s also here some configuration examples related with Domain and SSL, just to clarify some possible doubts about these parameters that you could have :slight_smile: :

Best Regards,

I used Let’s Encrypt. I sent the other info to your email.
Thank you!

Thanks, when I discover the problem, I will publish it it here to help others,

Best Regards,

Sounds good. I will keep an eye out.