Hello Team,
I have successfully installed Openvidu Pro 2.12.0 and the servers are working fine. I am trying to add media nodes from the inspector and ran into some issues.
The system came up with Cluster Mode = Manual
even though the default value is mentioned as auto
in the document. On the cluster page, it seems like I have to enter Media Node URI
. What is the value here?
Also, I am trying to change the Cluster Mode to Auto
. I changed the configuration from the inspector but getting the below error while restarting Openvidu Pro
Error restarting OpenVidu Server Pro: Cluster environment "on_premise" requires file
"/opt/openvidu/cluster/openvidu_launch_kms.sh" to exist, but cannot be found
The servers are on Digitalocean. Please let me know how can I successfully add a media node on the fly.

Sorry, but auto
mode is right now only available by default for AWS deployments. For DigitalOcean deployments to all effects you will be using On premise instructions.
This means that you must manually launch your Media Nodes on Digital Ocean machines before actually adding them through OpenVidu Inspector or REST API Pro, becasue OpenVidu doesn’t know how to manage DIgitalOcean instances. So after your Media Node is up and running in your Digital Ocean network, you simply need to provide the “uri” parameter on the Media Node addition’s operation to add it to your cluster.
Did you follow On Premise instrutions to deploy your OpenVidu Pro cluster in DigitalOcean? If that’s true, then how many Media Nodes did you define here?: https://openvidu.io/docs/openvidu-pro/deployment/on-premise/#3-ansible-inventory
If you follow those instructions correcly, you should end up with a cluster with as many Media Nodes as you stated in your Ansible’s inventory file.
Hey Pablo,
This means that you must manually launch your Media Nodes on Digital Ocean machines before actually adding them through OpenVidu Inspector or REST API Pro - Does it mean that I will have to install all the required services like KMS manually and set it up before launching it from the inspector? Or, I can spin up a fresh Digitalocean droplet and Openvidu can take the rest of the things from there?
Currently, my cluster screen looks like below.
I have followed on-premise instructions. I have configured one media node in the ansible inventory. I can see this media node in the cluster page of the inspector.
Okey, that’s the expected bahvior. You defined a single Media Node in your Ansible’s playbook, and it succesfully deployed.
Now: to launch a new one you will have to manually initiate a new Media Node. Or as you said by manually installing everything as in a plain OpenVidu Ubuntu installation, or by modifying the Ansible playbook to just deploy Media Nodes (simply removing everythintg related to the master OpenVidu Server Pro Node). Better, I don’t have that much experience in DigitalOcean, but if you are able to build an “static” image to be deployed in a new machine whenever you want, that would be the way to go. You could then launch new Media Nodes very quickly and add them to the cluster. I’m thinking of something similar to AWS AMIs.
PS: I’m updating the On Premise Scalability instructions right now, as the image showing OpenVidu Inspector doesn’t really correspond to the “manual” cluster mode. I’ll probably extend a bit more the instructions talking about the necessity of manually launching new Media Node before adding them to the cluster.
We are also currently discussing how to provide an “automated” way of deploying new Media Nodes in an existing On Premise cluster. Probably with a modification of the Ansible’s playbook to install only Media Nodes without the OpenVidu Server Pro Node, as I mentioned in my previous message.
That would help, Pablo. If you come up with a solution, that is gonna be added as a patch to the current version or will take time to get it live? As the elastic scalability is not in place, it is great to manually add nodes as easy as possible.
I’m almost done. Installing new Media Nodes in your on premise cluster is going to be very easy, you’ll see. It uses the same Ansible procedure as when installing the cluster for the first time. Will be available immediatly after I push some changes to the docs.
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Documentation is now updated explaining how to launch new Media Nodes in On Premise OpenVidu Pro deployments. Visit the updated section Change the number of Media Nodes on the fly
That is great. I am gonna try this out.
Is it okay if we keep the currently active media nodes under all.hosts
and all.children
or need to comment out those too?
Better comment them out, just in case Ansible tries to change something on the existing Media Nodes.
Perfect. Thanks for the quick turnaround.