OpenVidu Pro Inspector - add media nodes

On a standard AWS OpenVidu Pro deployment with 8 media nodes, only 1 shows up on the Cluster screen. If I try to add a media node manually, it shows up briefly on the screen but then disappears.

Is this normal behaviour? Is the node disappearing because it’s not required at that moment (loads on the active media node are less than 1%)?

It depends. Do you have autoscaling enabled?


No, but OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_MODE is defined as “auto” in .env (AWS deployment default).
Could this be the problem?

Screenshot 2020-12-16 at 10.01.50

Yes, this is a problem. Did you change anything of the .env file? Can you show the log of openvidu when a new media node is launched?


I didn’t touch the .env file, but changed the max and min bitrates with the inspector config tab. The only thing I notice in the logs are several (dozens) of calls to the /media-nodes endpoint whenever I try to launch a new media node.

It may just be something wrong with the parameters set in the AWS yaml file.
Should I change OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_MODE to manual to solve the problem on my side?

Yes, that’s the inspector receiving information about the cluster.

No, don’t change it to manual.


It was a problem related with vCPU limit in AWS.

Unknown error  An error occurred (VcpuLimitExceeded) when calling 
the RunInstances operation: You have requested more vCPU capacity
 than your current vCPU limit of 32 allows for the instance bucket that
 the specified instance type belongs to.
 Please visit to request an adjustment to this limit.

Problem probably can be solved requesting limit changes to aws in

Marking this as solution at the moment.

Please @DaveNascimento, update with a post when the problem is solved.


Problem solved: asked AWS for a EC2 vCPU quota increase a few days ago and got an approval, media nodes were available to launch manually as expected. Thank you for your assistance, @cruizba!

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