# OpenVidu configuration
# ----------------------
# Documentation:
# NOTE: This file doesn't need to quote assignment values, like most shells do.
# All values are stored as-is, even if they contain spaces, so don't quote them.
# Domain name. If you do not have one, the public IP of the machine.
# For example:, or
# OpenVidu PRO License
# OpenVidu SECRET used for apps to connect to OpenVidu server and users to access to OpenVidu Dashboard
# Certificate type:
# - selfsigned: Self signed certificate. Not recommended for production use.
# Users will see an ERROR when connected to web page.
# - owncert: Valid certificate purchased in a Internet services company.
# Please put the certificates files inside folder ./owncert
# with names certificate.key and certificate.cert
# - letsencrypt: Generate a new certificate using letsencrypt. Please set the
# required contact email for Let's Encrypt in LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL
# variable.
# If CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt, you need to configure a valid email for notifications
# Proxy configuration
# If you want to change the ports on which openvidu listens, uncomment the following lines
# Allows any request to http://DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP:HTTP_PORT/ to be automatically
# redirected to https://DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP:HTTPS_PORT/.
# WARNING: the default port 80 cannot be changed during the first boot
# if you have chosen to deploy with the option CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt
# Changes the port of all services exposed by OpenVidu.
# SDKs, REST clients and browsers will have to connect to this port
# Old paths are considered now deprecated, but still supported by default.
# OpenVidu Server will log a WARN message every time a deprecated path is called, indicating
# the new path that should be used instead. You can set property SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_API=false
# to stop allowing the use of old paths.
# Default value is true
# If true request to with www will be redirected to non-www requests
# Default value is false
# How many workers to configure in nginx proxy.
# The more workers, the more requests will be handled
# Default value is 10240
# Access restrictions
# In this section you will be able to restrict the IPs from which you can access to
# Openvidu API and the Administration Panel
# WARNING! If you touch this configuration you can lose access to the platform from some IPs.
# Use it carefully.
# This section limits access to the /dashboard (OpenVidu CE) and /inspector (OpenVidu Pro) pages.
# The form for a single IP or an IP range is:
# To limit multiple IPs or IP ranges, separate by commas like this:
# This section limits access to the Openvidu REST API.
# The form for a single IP or an IP range is:
# To limit multiple IPs or or IP ranges, separate by commas like this:
# Mode of cluster management. Can be auto (OpenVidu manages Media Nodes on its own.
# Parameter KMS_URIS is ignored) or manual (user must manage Media Nodes. Parameter
# KMS_URIS is used: if any uri is provided it must be valid)
# Which environment are you using
# Possibles values: aws, on_premise
# Unique identifier of your cluster. Each OpenVidu Server Pro instance corresponds to one cluster.
# You can launch as many clusters as you want with your license key.
# Cluster ID will always be stored to disk so restarting OpenVidu Server Pro will keep the same previous cluster ID
# if this configuration parameter is not given a distinct value.
# The desired number of Media Nodes on startup. First the autodiscovery process is performed.
# If there are too many Media Nodes after that, they will be dropped until this number is reached.
# If there are not enough, more will be launched.
# This only takes place if OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_MODE is set to auto
# If set to zero no media servers will be lauched.
# Type: number >= 0
# How often each running Media Node will send OpenVidu Server Pro Node load metrics, in seconds.
# This property is only used when OPENVIDU_PRO_CLUSTER_LOAD_STRATEGY is 'cpu'. Other load strategies
# gather information synchronously when required
# Type: number >= 0
# Whether to enable or disable autoscaling. With autoscaling the number of Media Nodes will
# be automatically adjusted according to existing load
# Values: true | false
# How often the autoscaling algorithm runs, in seconds
# Type number >= 0
# If autoscaling is enabled, the upper limit of Media Nodes that can be reached.
# Even when the average load exceeds the threshold, no more Media Nodes will be added to cluster
# Type number >= 0
# If autoscaling is enabled, the lower limit of Media Nodes that can be reached.
# Even when the average load is inferior to the threshold, no more Media Nodes will
# be removed from the cluster
# If autoscaling is enabled, the upper average load threshold that will trigger the addition
# of a new Media Node.
# Percentage value (0 min, 100 max)
# If autoscaling is enabled, the lower average load threshold that will trigger the removal
# of an existing Media Node.
# Percentage value (0 min, 100 max)
# What parameter should be used to distribute the creation of new sessions
# (and therefore distribution of load) among all available Media Nodes
# Whether to enable or disable Network Quality API. You can monitor and
# warn users about the quality of their networks with this feature
# If OPENVIDU_PRO_NETWORK_QUALITY=true, how often the network quality
# algorithm will be invoked for each user, in seconds
# Max days until delete indexes in state of rollover on Elasticsearch
# Type number >= 0
# Default Value is 15
# If you have an external Elasticsearch and Kibana already running, put here the url to elasticsearch and kibana services.
# It is very important that both url have the port specified in the url.
# If you want to use the deployed Elasticsearch and Kibana locally, keep these variables commented.
# Where to store recording files. Can be 'local' (local storage) or 's3' (AWS bucket).
# You will need to define a OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_S3_BUCKET if you use it.
# S3 Bucket where to store recording files. May include paths to allow navigating
# folder structures inside the bucket. This property is only taken into account
# If OPENVIDU_PRO_RECORDING_STORAGE=s3, the collection of HTTP header values that the internal AWS client will use during
# the upload process. The property is a key-value map of strings, following the format of a JSON object. For example, for applying
# server-side encryption with AES-256, this header is mandatory: {"x-amz-server-side-encryption":"AES256"}.
# The list of available headers can be found here:
# This property is only taken into account if OPENVIDU_PRO_RECORDING_STORAGE=s3
# If you're instance has a role which has access to read
# and write into the s3 bucket, you don't need this parameter
# AWS credentials secret key from OPENVIDU_PRO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY. This property is only
# taken into account if OPENVIDU_PRO_RECORDING_STORAGE=s3
# If you're instance has a role which has access to read
# and write into the s3 bucket, you don't need this parameter
# AWS region in which the S3 bucket is located (e.g. eu-west-1). If not provided,
# the region will try to be discovered automatically, although this is not always possible.
# This property is only taken into account if OPENVIDU_PRO_RECORDING_STORAGE=s3
# Whether to enable recording module or not
# Use recording module with debug mode.
# Openvidu Folder Record used for save the openvidu recording videos. Change it
# with the folder you want to use from your host.
# System path where OpenVidu Server should look for custom recording layouts
# if true any client can connect to
# https://OPENVIDU_SERVER_IP:OPENVIDU_PORT/recordings/any_session_file.mp4
# and access any recorded video file. If false this path will be secured with
# OPENVIDU_SECRET param just as OpenVidu Server dashboard at
# Values: true | false
# Which users should receive the recording events in the client side
# (recordingStarted, recordingStopped). Can be all (every user connected to
# the session), publisher_moderator (users with role 'PUBLISHER' or
# 'MODERATOR'), moderator (only users with role 'MODERATOR') or none
# (no user will receive these events)
# Timeout in seconds for recordings to automatically stop (and the session involved to be closed)
# when conditions are met: a session recording is started but no user is publishing to it or a session
# is being recorded and last user disconnects. If a user publishes within the timeout in either case,
# the automatic stop of the recording is cancelled
# 0 means no timeout
# Maximum video bandwidth sent from clients to OpenVidu Server, in kbps.
# 0 means unconstrained
# Minimum video bandwidth sent from clients to OpenVidu Server, in kbps.
# 0 means unconstrained
# Maximum video bandwidth sent from OpenVidu Server to clients, in kbps.
# 0 means unconstrained
# Minimum video bandwidth sent from OpenVidu Server to clients, in kbps.
# 0 means unconstrained
# All sessions of OpenVidu will try to force this codec. If OPENVIDU_STREAMS_ALLOW_TRANSCODING=true
# when a codec can not be forced, transcoding will be allowed
# Default value is VP8
# Allow transcoding if codec specified in OPENVIDU_STREAMS_FORCED_VIDEO_CODEC can not be applied
# Default value is false
# true to enable OpenVidu Webhook service. false' otherwise
# Values: true | false
# HTTP endpoint where OpenVidu Server will send Webhook HTTP POST messages
# Must be a valid URL: http(s)://ENDPOINT
# List of headers that OpenVidu Webhook service will attach to HTTP POST messages
# List of events that will be sent by OpenVidu Webhook service
# Default value is all available events
# How often the garbage collector of non active sessions runs.
# This helps cleaning up sessions that have been initialized through
# REST API (and maybe tokens have been created for them) but have had no users connected.
# Default to 900s (15 mins). 0 to disable non active sessions garbage collector
# Minimum time in seconds that a non active session must have been in existence
# for the garbage collector of non active sessions to remove it. Default to 3600s (1 hour).
# If non active sessions garbage collector is disabled
# (property 'OPENVIDU_SESSIONS_GARBAGE_INTERVAL' to 0) this property is ignored
# Call Detail Record enabled
# Whether to enable Call Detail Record or not
# Values: true | false
# Path where the cdr log files are hosted
# Openvidu Server Level logs
# --------------------------
# Uncomment the next line and define this variable to change
# the verbosity level of the logs of Openvidu Service
# RECOMENDED VALUES: INFO for normal logs DEBUG for more verbose logs
# OpenVidu Java Options
# --------------------------
# Uncomment the next line and define this to add options to java command
# Documentation:
# JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m
# ElasticSearch Java Options
# --------------------------
# Uncomment the next line and define this to add options to java command of Elasticsearch
# Documentation:
# By default ElasticSearch is configured to use "-Xms2g -Xmx2g" as Java Min and Max memory heap allocation
# ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m
# Kibana And ElasticSearch Credentials Configuration
# --------------------------
# Kibana And ElasticSearch Basic Auth configuration (Credentials)
# This credentials will aso be valid for Kibana dashboard
# Media Node Configuration
# --------------------------
# You can add any KMS environment variable as described in the
# documentation of the docker image:
# If you want to add an environment variable to KMS, you must add a variable using this prefix: 'KMS_DOCKER_ENV_',
# followed by the environment variable you want to setup.
# For example if you want to setup KMS_MIN_PORT to 50000, it would be KMS_DOCKER_ENV_KMS_MIN_PORT=50000
# Docker hub kurento media server:
# Uncomment the next line and define this variable with KMS image that you want use
# By default, KMS_IMAGE is defined in media nodes and it does not need to be specified unless
# you want to use a specific version of KMS
# KMS_IMAGE=kurento/kurento-media-server:6.16.0
# Uncomment the next line and define this variable to change
# the verbosity level of the logs of KMS
# Documentation:
# Cloudformation configuration
# --------------------------
# If you're working outside AWS ignore this section
AWS_KEY_NAME=OpenVidu Key Pair
Am I right that it’s gonna work all by itself: stack creation via the YAML, everything out-of-the-box, then Nodes gonna be present in the Inspector?
Maybe some debugging advices? Would like to narrow down the list of everything to be re-checked,