Recording node is throwing error of No active session found for sessionId 'dkh5ufkpiho'. This instance of OpenVidu Node Client didn't create this session

hi openvidu team. in my node recording i’m getting an error of . here i’m attaching images also. the recording option i’m implementing to the openvidu-getaroom project. evrything is working fine. just got stucked up with the recording and screen share. i will explain both problem in single topic only.

  1. recording:-
  • as i told i’m implementing the recording option for getaroom topic.
  • but the getting error in chrome console " jsonrpcclient.js:159 Exception processing request: {“method”:“recordingStarted”,“params”:{“id”:“dkh5ufkpiho”,“name”:“dkh5ufkpiho”}}. "
  • and in terminal conole “No active session found for sessionId ‘dkh5ufkpiho’. This instance of OpenVidu Node Client didn’t create this session”.
  1. Screen-share:
  • the screen share is getting worked but cannot able to publish that.

here i’m attaching images of recording


I think you are publishing in wrong session. Publish screen share in that session in which you are published video.