Screen black and sound off

Good morning,

I am using openvidu in a production environment with version 2.13 using the aws stack.

It works correctly but every 6-7 days I am warned that the users enter and see the emitter in black and they don’t hear it either and it starts to happen in all the rooms, the solution I am taking is to create four new nodes and eliminate the old ones and in a couple of minutes it works normally again, my question is, do you know where the error can be? in what can I see the logs related to that error? Can I program to remove and create nodes in the cluster automatically?

Thank you very much in advance

Hi Daniel,

We highly recommend upgrade to the OpenVidu lastest version (current 2.14.0). This week we’ll release the 2.15.0. Several bugs have been fixed in every release.

After that, it would be great check and test if the issue you have keeps happening. If this is so, we’ll need OpenVidu Server logs and KMS logs to try figure out what is the reason and, of course, fix it.

Perfect, I’ll wait for version 2.15.0
