Hello everybody,
we want to create a platform where users can live chat and talk with each other for elearning purposes >> so yesterday we had a test with 30-35 users at the same time ( but our goal is to have arround 900 users at the same time, but Splitter in different openVidu Sessions) >> We have decided that based on this here https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.12.0/troubleshooting/#9-which-is-the-current-status-of-openvidu-regarding-performance-scalability-and-fault-tolerance
Therefore we have installed openvidu via AWS instance >> on a really strong server c5.4xlarge!
And many people where kicked out of their session and has to join and join the server again but the perfomarnce was like this:
and then all people where kicked out and we all got this messag here:
then we have reStarted the AWS instance, after that we had also some sound problems, with echos and delays…
Are there any possibilities to optimize the perfomance or avoid that users will be kicked out of a running session?
How can really find out, what the problem is or was? Any hints?
I mean, we only had 30 people and had problems like this 
Thank you so much for each hint or information.
Hello @webgondel,
We found some concurrency bugs in OpenVidu Server. They are already solved in master. We plan to publish 2.13 version the next week. It is possible that some of that errors cause your issue because the load is not high.
Please stay tuned and update when 2.13 is released.
On the other hand, if you plan to have 900 concurrent users, I recommend to you to deploy OpenVidu PRO, as it manages better the scalability and fault tolerance because it allows to have horizontal scaling with KMSs spread in several virtual machines. So any issue in a KMS doesn’t affect to sessions in other KMSs.
Hi Micael!
Wow! Thx for all your work and the great support! Ok what about the Support? Do we have also better support possibilities then in the pro version?
We try to provide the best support for users of CE and PRO versions.
We are working hard to publish the new version in a few days, so we can benefit all users.
What you mean by “better support possibilities”? You can have dedicated support for our team with a commercial support package not included in PRO version. For more information please write to openvidu@gmail.com.
ah ok understand! Thx for your help!
When you think, you will release the new version?
Cant wait to try it out. 
We plan to have it ready tomorrow Wednesday.
Thank you for your patience 
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Do we have to complelty reInstall our AWS instances or can we just pull the last changes from your repo? (please mention wir are testing the PRO version at the moment)
We have redesigned completely the way OpenVidu is deployed to make it easier to install and operate. The new version is based on docker, so it is recommended to remove completely current installation and install the new one.
Following versions will be much more easy to update, but 2.13 supposes a big change.
Hi @micael.gallego
ok good 2 know, thx >> so then i will wait untill You guys will release the new 2.13 version today 
Last question related to this topic:
Thist is the first productive Docker version correct?
That’s correct. 2.13.0 will be the first version supporting Docker production deployments.
Today is the 2.13 day right?!
Already released?