Hi there, our application uses OpenVidu Enterprise to run large scale webinars. Essentially 1 - 4 publishers streaming to anywhere from 10 people on the low end to hundreds of people on the high end. For the most part, our users typically stream to 10 - 100 people and these webinars tend to do fine.
We’ve had several webinars in the 100 - 200 people range and they do fine as well. 200 - 300 people things seem to start getting a little iffy and more recently, we’ve had a couple of webinars where 2 different users were streaming to 400 - 550ish people and there were many issues.
On the webinars with over 400 subscribers, the video quality was extremely degraded. It was very pixelated and blurry, to the point of barely being legible.
This is definitely an issue but the bigger problem is that the publisher in both of these webinars had multiple occasions where the video and audio completely cut out. And by “cut out”, I mean that all publisher video and audio completely stopped and the user had to refresh the page in order to start publishing video again.
We’re running OpenVidu Enterprise on AWS with a c5.4xlarge master node and c5.2xlarge media nodes (with autoscaling enabled).
Unfortunately, I was not in the room to inspect the console and see what blew up exactly. I can see in Kibana that we were nowhere near max CPU capacity for either the master/media nodes, I’ve attached an image of what the logs are showing. I also believe I haven’t hit a memory limit here from what I can see in the logs.
So I’m left scratching my head as to what is going on. I’m not sure if there is something going on on with our web application that is perhaps causing the publisher’s browser to crash with that many attendees live at once. Or if perhaps OpenVidu is not yet capable of, or still has issues with, publishing to multiple hundreds of subscribers in one session?
Any input here would be much appreciated.