Removing openvidu call application


I followed documentation. Still the application loads.

Kindly help. TIA

If you remove docker-compose.override.yml and restart OpenVidu with ./openvidu restart, no application will load.

Can you show us the output of:

docker ps


Here is the screenshot you are looking for.

And I am facing issues with owncert as well.

Yes, i think that removing this file is making docker-compose not noticing about stopping the call container. Anyways you can stop it with:

docker stop openvidu_app_1

About your owncert, did you follow the example here:

What kind of certificate do you have? Is it registered directly to your domain? Is it a wildcart certificate?

I solved the certificate issue by concatenating .pem file and .crt file. My mistakes was i was concatenating two .crt files.

Let me check with the command you specified.


If you want nginx to redirect to your app, you must deploy your app at port 5442!

Did the instructions help you to solve the problem?