Is it possible to turn off/on openvidu-call on the CE version?

I recently installed your CE version for testing using the instructions outlined in the url below.

These instructions worked quite nicely. However, as I would like to modify the openvidu-call portion for my purposes and I’d like to be able to run the server instance without the openvidu-call installed. Looking at the install script that was used ( there are no references to openvidu-call in the new_ov_installation() section only in the upgrade_ov.

Can you direct me on how to disable the openvidu-call on the server?

I noticed that the installer makes use of a docker-compose.override.yml file which has a reference to the openvidu-call docker image. Then, the installer checks for it here…

 if [ ! -z "$(grep -E '^        image: openvidu/openvidu-call:.*$' "${OV_FOLDER}/docker-compose.override.yml" | tr -d '[:space:]')" ]; the
    OV_CALL_VERSION=$(grep -E 'Openvidu-Call Version:' "${OV_FOLDER}/docker-compose.override.yml" | awk '{ print $4 }')
  [ -z "${OV_CALL_VERSION}" ] && OV_CALL_VERSION="No present" 

Can you tell me if there is a method for turning off the openvidu-call app? Or, simply remove the reference to the docker-override.yml file in the installer?

Thanks in advance.

Hello Mike,

You can find instructions at the link below to remove the default OpenVidu Call app:


yes you can stop it by docker stop and start this using docker start
It’s very easy instead removing