OV Control Crashing

We use OV to run our video chatting website which has had several thousand concurrent users on at once when we were using OpenVidu CE and an in house node balancing approach. Since switching to OV Pro we have had several crashes at numbers as low as 100 users. The control server sits on a 16 core 32GB of ram instance. Our service uses the signalling service a lot which might be a reason why consolidating from many different OpenVidu nodes to a single OV control has caused a performance hit. I was sure OV Pro was going to make scaling easier not harder, any advice would be appreciated.

Which OpenVidu version are you using?

You can check in our Medium post and in our PRO documentation seciton that OpenVidu PRO 2.15.0 included autosacaling feature.

By the way, crash error logs would really help, if you could send it to us it would be nice.