Other people are not able to join

This is the error my friends are getting in the browser console when they are trying to join
WebSocket connection to ‘wss://’ failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID.
Can anybody help me with this

You should use a valid certificate. For that, you will need to purchase a domain.

If you do not have a domain, your users will have to accept the invalid certificate (dangerous) before connecting to video conference.


Thank you for your reply sir. But the thing is me and my partner are able to connect through this but besides us no will is able to join the session, they are able to see login and join page, but they are not able to join session only…in that page they are getting the above error.

That’s because you’re not using a domain, you’re using an IP. Your users need to accept this certificate. There is no other solution. Just open in a browser and accept the certificate