In behalf of the OpenVidu team, I’m pleased to announce OpenVidu 2.12 version.
It has been a long time from the last release but we are here again:
OpenVidu CE new features:
- IP cameras support
- Send signals from your backend
- Record your webapp with COMPOSITE layout
- New CDR/Webhook event filterEventDispatched
- New data in CDR/Webhook event participantJoined and participantLeft
- Automatic reconnection when connection is lost
- Switch from camera to screenshare instantly
- Change publisherSpeakingEvents configuration on the fly in your clients
- All the goodnes from Kurento 6.12.0 and 6.13.0 releases
OpenVidu PRO new features:
- New payment method
- Simplified pricing
- Dynamic scalability
- OpenVidu Inspector big upgrade
- Detailed session monitoring improved
And some important bug fixes:
- Media freeze bug
- Race condition in session management
- Race condition in COMPOSED recording
- openvidu.recording.public-access property was not honored
- LocalRecorder.record() was broken in Firefox
- OpenVidu.getUserMedia() was broken with screen share.
- …
Please find more information in the announcement post.